Lake Crest Presbyterian Church
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Telling Others About Christ - Seeking To Be Like Christ
     Lake Crest PC is proud to financially sponsor several missionaries currently in the field, as well as pray for many others. We desire to help reach the unreached for Christ in any way we can. We so much enjoy when our missionaries return to share with us the work they are doing. Those times have proven to be a great time of learning and an opportunity to meet the families in need of prayer.
      Our missions committee regularly the newsletters and communications from our missionaries in order that we might know the needs and circumstances of our missionaries. If you would like more information please contact the church.
Our Missionaries:
Daniel and Courtney - RUF (Jacksonville State University)
Steve & Becky Cochrane - AVMI - Mali
Tom & Connie Edwards - Hope Clinic - Birmingham
Ron Elkin - AMMI - Philadelphia
R.J. & Jean Fischer - Navigators  - Orlando
Tim & Lana Higginbotham - NAIM - Canada
Kris Jensen - WBT - Arizona
Davor & Sandra Kukec - CCC - Croatia
Verne & Alina Marshall - MTW - Miami/Cuba/Chile
Tim & Rhianna Mills - MTW - Thailand
Brad & Jamie Newport - TEAM - Greece
Kevin & Gertrude Nicholas - WTB - Papua New Guinea
Paul & Peggy Reynoso - Navigators - Colorado
Harold & Sarah Schepian - Serge - Sensitive Area
Steve & Becky Smith - NTM - Florida
Suzy Triplett - UWM - Thailand