Lake Crest Presbyterian Church
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Telling Others About Christ - Seeking To Be Like Christ

Dear Friend,

     We are excited about your interest in us and hope that your visit here will give you all the information you need about us. But there are a few things this website can't do for you - it can't convey to you the warmth of our fellowship, the love of Christ as it shines through His people, or the genuine feeling of "body-life" as we study the truth of God's Word together. For you must get those things by visiting us in person, and that is exactly what we invite you to do. At LCPC, there is no pressure to join, because that is a decision between you and God. We simply invite you to come and visit us for awhile and see how God leads you in your pursuit of a church home.

     We can promise you two things: you will be loved - for God loved us first and we desire to show His love to others; and you will hear the truth from His Word, the Bible, for it is His revelation to man and is our highest rule of faith and practice. So, when you are finished here at the website, come visit us at Lake Crest Presbyterian Church! We think you will be as blessed as we have been.

     Thank you again for your interest. We look forward to meeting you in person!


Thomas Joseph